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Everything posted by Roque

  1. Global chat

    Ye, I see where you coming from
  2. So, checkpoint Rasman is super cancerous (civilians moving barriers etc) at times and a way to avoid this is by making all the obstacles unmovable by any other faction except Blufor and possible Opfor. Checkpoint Rasman should also have the small bonus paycheck that CPD, CPA and CPB all get for manning the CP as it gives an incentive for poorer players to man it.
  3. Kamikazing

    I feel this is a bit fairer though. A lot of players don't wanna waste their precious shekels just to crash it a few seconds later, ya feel?
  4. Checkpoint Rasman

    Some Civilians literally have nothing else better to do so they'll just sit at a barricade to unlock it if they have to.
  5. Tree Fixer

    w o w
  6. Tree Fixer

    Make it so tree fixer also fixes buildings.
  7. Kamikazing

    I agree
  8. Indep weapons

    I think the reason these indies die often more than others is that they don't bother going other routes. They all follow the same route hoping for some reason that CPA or CPB will be unmanned. But I do think that Indies should possible spawn with a Saiga-12 or an Enfield - a gun that 1 shots but is still pretty shit.
  9. Phone/Tablet GUI

    +1 The current 1 menu is pretty ugly and annoying to scroll through to check wanted list as Blufor/Opfor.
  10. I've never had an issue with leaving safe-zone as indie when there's high amount of Opfor with vehicles etc. Yes, I am a supporter so I have access to things a bit cheaper, but most of the time I just avoid conflict completely with opfor by circling around completely. Yeah, it takes a bit longer to reach Rasman but it's defo worth it.
  11. Staff App - Nureha

    -1 Tries to play by his own rulebook (maybe just hasn't read the rules properly to understand them) and has a pretty large ego.
  12. PMC Stun weapons

    PMC do not have any stun weapons, even the M9 SD w/ stun rounds don't work at VIP. But what would work is the Saiga with Stun rounds.
  13. Staff App - Fakie

    +1 Knows the rules, is calm and fun/friendly to play with.
  14. Ranking Structure Pay Check

    +1 Good idea
  15. afaik we're already getting this which is long overdue. But I don't think Indie needs a ranking system.
  16. Snow

    +1 random snow would be a pleasant surprise. But rip fps for some people.
  17. -1 Yeah it's a cheesy tactic but, it's part of the game and there are many ways around this obstacle. But I think if there are no blufor/opfor within 150m of the CP the gates should automatically go down and the bar gate should open.
  18. Making News a serious thing.

    +1 I think some civilian slots can be sacrificed for this cause - also should make them spawn at the news area inside of Rasman if this is Implemented
  19. Donating

    Right here my guy Good Guy Silkofoxx
  20. Staff App - CouchNoob

    -1 regularly breaks rules also seems to not really care about his application.
  21. Staff App - EleMenTz

    This ^^ -1 you also only have 35 minutes played in the last 30 days which tells me you probably aren't that committed to playing at the moment.
  22. Staff App - Han Solo

    +1 I've played with him and against him and every single time he never caused any issues.

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Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

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