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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Winters

  1. Ban appeal Adam

    Adam, I believe I called you on TS multiple times, not only because you are required to be on TS3 while playing as Opfor, but because you were reported for shooting at multiple teammates. I gave you the standard 5 minutes to comply before I saw you disconnect without receiving any response via In-Game or TS3. If you did join TS3 after I called you on, your name wasn't matching you're in game name. The only way we know if someone is in TS3 when required or asked to is if they have the same name. We have this policy due to the fact that when we do ban, we give 2 days or less. There is no point in having someone appeal a justified ban when its such a short length. If you feel like you were wrongly banned, you may report the banning staff member directly to the owner via Staff Complaints. We appreciate you being respectful. This thread will be locked to prevent further responses.
  2. Ban Appeal Baby Face Nelson

    As of right now your ban was justified and will not be lifted. You may not appeal 2-day bans. This thread will be locked to prevent further responses.
  3. Starting off a new segment in the TLX community we will be releasing monthly updates on overall general news, staff development with our Arma 2 & Arma 3 servers, rule & server changes, as well as resolutions regarding community drama that occurred month. Community & Staff Issues As the popularity of TLX has been growing the staff at TLX have not necessarily been prepared for all of the issues that have been occurring. Over this past week and in the coming weeks we will be finishing up reworking everything regarding our staff team. This includes proper case reports for issues to keep track of bad players, proper staff procedures and expectations, and a rework on staff applications. We have taken a lot of feedback and have heard the community members who have spoken up. In the coming week, we will also be working to become more transparent, accessible, and fair to our entire player base. To wrap things up we would like to ask all of our players to fill out a short survey on TLX. Your input will be used to help us determine how we will proceed in improving certain areas of the community and server. Click here to fill out the TLX Community Survey General News Diving into this busy week, we would like to announce a new member to our development team. LeRoy, a previous dev on ALRP will be working directly with Giovanni on the upcoming Arma 3 Takistan life server. More updates on the progress of the Arma 3 server will be released weekly starting not this week but the next. With the website well into its first month of operations, we are still in the process of adding format information for different topics such as supporter applications, faction white-listing, and more. Teamspeak 3 has been upgraded to allow for more slots and we are working to add/fix a TS3 Bot that reaches staff members when someone joins a help room as this should help with wait times. A Twitter account will be operational soon to give quicker updates on different issues and topics. Rules Server AND TLX community rules are being reworked to clarify issues that have been reported to us. As for community feedback and suggestions regarding rules we also will be trying to add, change, or otherwise modify rules every week if needed. We realize that there are many complaints about how the rules are vague in some stances and that will be addressed in time. Rule changes will start to be announced via discord and on the website. It will be up to the players to stay updated on changes as not knowing will not be an excuse in support rooms cases. The server rules will be merged with the website soon enough and will have more of a cleaner and professional look. Arma 2 Bugs & Development As the player base has spiked recently there have been a lot more bugs, glitches, and just things not working. Rest assured that these will be fixed in the coming weeks. We will also be looking to add more RP missions and aspects to our mission file as well as possibly reworking entire factions *cough PMC cough*. Sound mods that have been brought up have been added and or in the process of being added as well as a new Anti-Cheat and Rcon system for our staff team. Expanding off of what was said regarding transparency with the community, we will be looking to open up our Trello to the public eye. This will allow everyone to see what we have taken in regards to community feedback/suggestions as well as what we are currently working on or have finished for TLX. Conclusions Finishing up, the entire staff team would like to thank all of the new players who have been working with us to grow and change TLX for the better. We have all seen the passion our players have for Takistan life whether it's helping with suggestions or taking initiative to create a better RP experience and it definitely means a lot to all of the staff here. Feel free to leave feedback or comments on this post!
  4. Staff App - Shark

    -1 ....I think we both know that this is only partially true lol Also a very very vague application. What other servers were you staff on? What ranks? You've been on the server since it came back up? Give us even a rough estimate on how many days, weeks or months.
  5. Nearly 99% of the time when someone is banned for staff disrespect it is in addition to another issue, rule-breaking, hacking, etc. Players who are getting punished for their actions make it worse when they call a staff member "faggot" or the N-Word among other things. There is not a single reason for it, the majority of players do not act like that. Our staff does not demand our players follow a specific guideline on what to do and what to say or even how to act. We understand that in the heat of the moment something might be said, that's why we give warnings all the time. It's when someone keeps doing it, or does it so much that we issue a ban. It's also why we have staff complaints for players that go only to the owner of TLX.
  6. 1) The only time we ban people for staff disrespect is when a player aggressively swears or uses racist remarks towards the staff. 2) The staff here has almost never been aggressive with a player first and the staff that has in the past have been demoted, fired, or left. 3) Players should have the common sense and maturity to deal with issues they cause or are involved in without being rude, aggressive, or using racist remarks. I think there is only one or two staff that "inflate" their own ego if you want to call it that. They have been warned and they have or are working to fix it.
  7. Ban form

    Ban appeal format: [In-Game Name] : (List the name that was used when the ban was issued. IE: Winters) [GUID] : (List your Arma 2 OA GUID) [Ban information] : (List the reason provided when you try to join the server. IE: Staff avoidance | RDM | 3D | Winters) [Reason for appeal] : (Provide a detailed reason of why your ban should be lifted.) [What you can do better] : (Provide a detailed description of how you can improve yourself so this doesn't happen again if your ban is lifted.) It can not be this hard to follow the format.....
  8. Race event

  9. Gavrilo Unban Appeal

    I don't think anything more needs to be said on this issue. As of right now your ban was justified and will not be lifted. You may re-appeal on March 18th (30 days). This thread will be locked to prevent further responses.
  10. You gotta hear this

    This will be the final response from staff regarding your ban appeal. As of right now your ban was justified and will not be lifted. You are banned on the TLX Arma 2 server as well as TS3, you may still use Discord or this website. Reasoning 1) You were originally banned for 3 days due to not coming on TS3 for a VDM case. You later came on TS3 after already being banned to appeal. 2) When coming on TS3 to appeal your ban or talk about the issue, you were extremely toxic, immature, and disrespectful to the staff handling the case. You then disconnected as staff was talking. Your ban was extended to 14 days due to this. 3) This ban appeal is horrible as you did not even include the correct or all of the information as required. You may re-appeal on February 25th (7 days). Recommendation Re-appeal correctly, grow up, and take responsibility if you want to play on TLX so bad. This thread will be locked to prevent further responses.
  11. Staff App - YaBoiiSlingShot

    -1 Clean application, decent feedback so far, but less than a week as a TLX member. In my opinion I would like to see you around more. Otherwise, one of the few good applications.
  12. Staff apps.

  13. unban tshaffer

    This will be the final response from staff regarding your ban appeal. As of right now your ban was justified and will not be lifted. As of now you are only banned on the TLX Arma 2 server, you may use our other services such as our website, discord, or TS3. Reasoning 1) You were banned due to abusive or offensive language towards a staff member which is a serious offense. I have confirmed you did receive multiple verbal warnings from Zerix along with other staff. You were permanently banned with the approval of higher level staff not just by Zerix. 2) You have been previously banned for this same offense. The same warnings were issued, and like this ban, it was approved by higher level staff. 3) At the time of this ban, regarding the issue of you not being home, the ban was issued before you were gone. You may re-appeal on March 14th (30 days). Recommendation Ride out the 30 day period, stay active on the TS3, and be helpful/mature on the website and discord. Doing these things will contribute to your next appeal if you choose that route. This thread will be locked to prevent further responses.
  14. unban tshaffer

    This is a good example of a not so good ban appeal. 1) If it is true that you were not home and none of the accusations happened, then you would not be banned. I highly doubt "Continued staff abuse" was made up out of no where. 2) What are the details of the ban? If the message says "Continued staff abuse" then where did it start? There is no context of anything that has happened regarding the ban, we need more details. 3) If you are being banned for "Continued staff abuse" then saying you can do better by just avoiding the staff member does not seem to be a good way to fix that issue since you might have to interact with him in the future (help room cases). Please expand on these issues I brought up so your appeal process can move forward.
  15. If you have been banned from TLX's Arma 2 OA server, the TLX Discord, or TLX Teamspeak 3, this is the thread for you. Things to consider: Filing a ban appeal does not mean in any way your ban will be lifted. Ban appeals are public and are able to receive feedback from the community. This is a serious and mature matter so it should be treated as such. Any abusive or offensive language will result in your appeal being rejected immediately. Any additional information that is not required in your appeal will decrease the chances of your ban being lifted. Failing to follow proper format will end with your appeal being rejected imminently. Ban appeal format: [In-Game Name] : (List the name that was used when the ban was issued. IE: Winters) [GUID] : (List your Arma 2 OA GUID) [Ban information] : (List the reason provided when you try to join the server. IE: Winters | RDM | 3D) [Ban Justification] : (Do you believe your ban was justified? If not, explain.) [Reason for appeal] : (Provide a detailed reason of why your ban should be lifted.) [Improvement] : (Provide a detailed description of how you can improve yourself so this doesn't happen again if your ban is lifted.) Being more detailed, professional and mature in your ban appeal will determine if your ban is lifted and how fast.
  16. Staff App - Drew

    -1 Unless you have gone under a different name. According to gametracker you have not been playing on TLX for 3 months. (correct me if im missing something) Also can not find anything regarding a community called "SpicyGames" on Arma or other games. I would love if you could PM me a link of a Steam group or maybe a website about the community/group. It would also be great if there was more description regarding what your roles and responsibilities are as a current staff member of said community. Gametracker: https://gyazo.com/d4bfdc6e2ad32f319ebf979a99131b17
  17. Forum Moderator

    +1 This is a great idea which is why I am giving it a +1, however I disagree on the fact that we need forum moderators at this time. As much as I see TLX growing, I do not see our website needing extra staff specifically for the site itself. We currently are still hiring normal staff members that can spend a little more time checking over the forums as well as depending on our forum users to report offensive or abusive content.
  18. Why Opfor is the Best

    I would give this whole thread a thumbs down if I could.... #Bluforbestfor

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


This website is not affiliated or authorized by Bohemia Interactive a.s. Bohemia Interactive, ARMA, DAYZ and all associated logos and designs are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bohemia Interactive a.s.
