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Posts posted by Mez

  1. 32 minutes ago, SlimBone said:

    You know the brotherhood could use a man like you in the ranks. Message me a name for this mission and we can talk logistics.

    Wouldn't join you boys because I ain't like that but I'd help you goys out. Also will message you soon.

  2. 1 hour ago, SlimBone said:

    Alright you terrorist and religious zelot extremists we've become alittle stagnant here so I'm proposing we brainstorm some operations (fun missions).

    What would you all like to see done?

    A massive convoy with weapons and ammo to arm the civilian populous and increase support for your cause by teaching the ways of Allah

    • Like 1

  3. 1 hour ago, Lt. Col. Stryder said:

    I mean, I play Blufor and Opfor a lot. Mainly Opfor though, Opfor do not really want war I am not speaking for everyone, but the majority do not want war. Blufor really wants war and frequently break rules to try to make it happen. I do not really think to have a war would that good anyway, it is just a way to waste money that most people work hard for. It can easily cause a lot of issues since Civs will get in the way and just going to stress out staff a lot more. Which is why we have to ask Admins first and why they mostly deny it because Blufor like to go overboard with a lot of things. Not saying all and that is is just Blufor, but the majority of the time it is Blufor. Another thing is that Opfor is going to pretty much lose most of the time since most people play Blufor and Blufor will automatically have a player advantage. But since Opfor usually out skill Blufor I guess that counters my previous statement. Another thing would be staff getting on (THIS IS WHAT I HEARD) is that some staff would give 20mil to every other player on Blufor. Which I am not sure if Staff get Staff Paychecks I do not know if it's true then that is valid I suppose.

    If it's like it used to be staff get paychecks and depending on rank VIP, but Opfor has a good advantage with having the best tank in game, best AA, and best anti tank jet, if you're outnumbered by these guys with less skill and still lose you're playing wrong. In one war as Opfor me and my 4 friends were fighting Unknown, Lex, Monkey and the whole of Blufor. Even with them outnumbering and being richer than us we still managed to force a ceasfire by using Indep tactics to do it. Just got to git gud bro. (Also you can enlist the help of classic civilian transportation like I did to get to a cap zone unnoticed.)

  4. 55 minutes ago, Lt. Col. Stryder said:

    Okay, many things wrong with that. eyes peeled? Are you kidding me? You do realise this is Arma and to see a player model within grass and rocks, and shit over many hills and many kilometres away is kind of difficult especially when people do not have good computers, including me. I play on 70% 3D resolution, go from 200% to 80% that will be like that shit anime with the graphics so bad you want to cry yourself to sleep LOL. Our radar does not even reach any checkpoint beside delta and Feruz Abad. We also have to stand in the open to man the checkpoint and to get people through and to open and close the stuff. We can not really bring vehicles cause why to waste all that millions of dollars to kill someone who is hiding and risk getting shot down. When we get fortifications up, Cool. Now when we go to check for passports and search vehicles we get sniped.


    No, but seriously, Yall do not man checkpoints, I rarely do see you guys on Opfor/Blufor actually manning checkpoints without having 20 guys there with Abrams and bunch of shit there. (Note Lance or ANC actually lost his Abram to 1 BRDM ATG). Manning checkpoints are harder than you guys really think. We do not really see you guys going up on the opposite hill because our radar does not go up that far, we also do not have people looking at that hill 24/7 I can barely pay attention in my classes if all. We do try to bring armour or helicopters but what is the point when you will lose it before you even see your enemy or know what hit you. Or have your helicopters shot down by AA-12 HE. We don't want to expend so much money to lose it and barely make a dent or mark on your offensive push. Insurgents do not really lose that much besides weapons, and I play PMC/Insurgents so I do lose my stuff. You gain more just at a slower pace if you do not really kill people that much. 



    Time to get -reps for telling truth rip

    Manning a checkpoint is so easy a braindead kid can do it. Most indeps just use a motorbike and drive right up to it so if you're actually in game and not tabbed out or doing something else you'll kill them, secondly you can raise your view distance to see far away people even on lowest possible settings and resolution. Also don't say you can't bring vehicles, you mine for money and you can bring a BRDM ATGM then have someone sit in a nice protected spot with a good view to cover the checkpoint and the hills.

    • Thanks 1

  5. 1 hour ago, Lt. Col. Stryder said:

    Yeah, we are not able to move people for some reason. Another thing I should point out that PMC/Civs are able to Ziptie people but are unable to Ziptie. A way to get around this is knocking them out with your gun whilst they are restrained. This sometimes might work or they go into a knock out glitch. Use at your discretion.

    Zipties are one of the buggiest things ever. And you've never been able to move people while they were tied or restrained.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Pearse said:

    Blufor won the last 2 wars and now opfor isn’t so hyped about it anymore

    Probably because a lot of Opfor players are cocky and stay in the open woth Tunguskas instead of playing smart and holding avenues of approach to cap points

    • Like 1

  7. VIP's don't make the money they used to and if they paid the 100 dollars back in the day they have all rights to keep it and get their good gear. The thermal weapons aren't any better than the normal ones, especially the M249 TWS. Some of them are "toxic" but that's the way they've always been dude, they're pretty neat guyz to hang around and play with like Roque who I have never heard talk even though he has a mic.

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  8. Sounds like a banging idea. Thing is I feel that there will always be the guy who blows up the loot instead of capturing it but as an Indep I feel that it would be fine if they did that. This also allows to set up fortified locations to both protect the convoy along its route AND for terrorists and criminals to ambush the convoy from a safe location. If this becomes a normal thing I'd love to get some of my old pals back on and do some crazy stuff.

  9. 9 hours ago, Heart said:

    I didn't intend it to come out like that, but I can see what your saying about the AA-12 and how its been argued about. The main point was to just have the server and all of its vehicles and weapons balanced.

    No need for anything to be balanced, it should be Blufor is the most powerful, Opfor should be second most powerful, the indep.

    • Like 1

  10. 1 hour ago, Gregory Porter said:

    I am pretty much a sniper only but rarely snipe from more than 500 meters, I use an SVD (no zoom, PSO-1 scope (which I love), and not that great of range) and I still do fine, and not to brag a little better than most who just use anti-material rifles.

    By the way Anonymous, he plays Indep, not BLUFOR with the AS50.

    Most I ever snipe is 800 meters. I have a really nice spot to shoot into CPA.

  11. You're the type of person to sit miles away with this rifle trying to kill an Indep instead of grabbing a M16 and getting close enough to shoot someone. In fact I can bet that all you do is sit on sniper hill or the mountain or rigs north of Rasman all day and don't interact with anyone, people like you really kill the RP and give Blufor its terrible reputation

    • Like 1

  12. Checkpoint Alpha is the most important checkpoint in the game and you can buy the camo nets and other items from shops but most people are too lazy to stupid to use them. To deal with snipers just buy thr camo net or get someone to scan the mountains by CPA. This checkpoint never had any problems before but all of a sudden it's the worst thing to exist?

    • Like 2
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  13. Indep vehicles cost around the same amount as Opfors. For am Opfor IFV Indep can buy one or the ATGM for the same price. AA-12 HE cannot 1 shot a hind but it is incredibly powerful. Indeps don't need to spam to get out of spawn but sometimes Opfor are douchers and camp at both ends of the two roads leading out of spawn. Also Blufor is just cowardly so you'll have to widdle down their money by using.50s IED's RPG's or 7.62 to kill their Strykers and M113's.

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