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Everything posted by Mez

  1. Can we move the igla at cop base

    Yup, Rasman got strafed every 10 minutes and 20 people would die every time.
  2. At the moment there is no rule that prevents Blufor or Opfor from chain arresting people (specifically indeps) when they get released. To stop that from happening and to let people enjoy the game without getting arrested over and over add a rule that prevents that from happening or allow indies to teleport back to base once they are done serving their sentence.
  3. Can we move the igla at cop base

    I tried with an MTVR and a Ural but have never been able to tow it tho?
  4. GO away AA12HE

    The AA-12 HE is the scum of this game but honestly since it is a supporter perk it should stay. But anyone who uses it is garbage.
  5. Can we move the igla at cop base

    Yeah, needs moved since it can't be towed or just remove it from the game since it really stands no purpose since Indies don't have Hinds anymore
  6. Mortar Usage

    So currently mortars are only allowed to be used during wartime and cannot be used against Rasman or Feruz Abad which means that you can't even use the smoke rounds, white phosphorous or the flares without it being war. So can you change the rule and allow non HE shells to be used since WP is the God of shells and doesn't explode an entire city block.
  7. +1 at least make the Zu-23 Ural way cheaper. 2.6 mil is way too much
  8. A New Beginning...part 2..

    OOF, but for real if you get a good player on NATO and AA since all Opfor uses is jets and helis then bodda bing babyyyyyyyy you win
  9. A New Beginning...part 2..

    pls keep opfor
  10. Servers people

    lmao the FAL is probably one of the best cheap guns indies get. If think that you're unorganized for using a good gun the gtfo
  11. Servers people

    Honestly the best strat as indie is to grab and RPG with 3 rockets along with an AK of FAL and just keep hiding and moving.
  12. Servers people

    The Venom has more armor than your everyday Huey but the engine is still the most unarmored thing I have ever seen. I shot one down in a turn from 800 meters away with a SVD but the rockets and miniguns on that thing are real good so best to avoid it overall.
  13. TFR is good idea

    TFR would do nothing but kill the server man. Neat idea but maybe it'd work better if this server goes to Arma 3.
  14. A New Beginning

    So no more chicken for president that steals your liquor?
  15. Takistan Militia

    Bro you underestimate the CZ, be sniping Opfor from 1000
  16. Player names

    Yeah increasing difficulty to veteran gets rid of name checking and distance but it also makes AI better than it already is
  17. Player names

    Dude I live in the boonies, we have 0 outside influence
  18. Player names

    Dude what even is your profile picture
  19. Blufor intro change.

    Team America is unstoppable
  20. Mujahideen balance reasons and suggestions.

    True, I've been shot down plenty of times and recovered but it all depends where you're shot at. If you're over the mountains might as well say goodbye
  21. Mujahideen balance reasons and suggestions.

    The best way to take down Hinds as Indie is to use MANPADs but only supporters get them, second best bet is to hope they fly low enough for an RPG hit
  22. This server needs help

    That's why I said a few other you goon! :DDDDDDDD
  23. Required Gear

    There used to be a rule where Blufor and Opfor were required to have at least 1 stun weapon so I do believe that these factions should have at least 1 stun gun so they don't blast away a guy for loitering.
  24. This server needs help

    Pfft, JUDGEY boi Unknown me and a few other are from way back in Dnice days man.
  25. Apology


What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

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You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

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