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Everything posted by Mez

  1. Swat Is Gay

    I used the stinger pod outside the base and was shooting into the air but the second one hit the green box, it said I was armed because of my revolver I had and still didn't pose an immediate threat to anyone's life.
  2. Takistan Life Fails

    This is from Wednesday or Thursdays war brutha
  3. Swat Is Gay

    How did you know I shot the igla and why would you shoot a civ when he isn't a terrorist or a direct threat to your life or Chris and Crossvok? Besides you shot me for something that occurred 15 minutes prior? That's pretty messed up bro.
  4. Swat Is Gay

    Shooting me for running away is GAYYYYYY
  5. Blufor Ranking

    Obviously not all of them
  6. Blufor Ranking

    I'm saying that it's a nice idea in theory but people aren't going to do missions and patrol to rank up, if you've noticed Blufor sits in Strykers or snipes in Rasman.
  7. Blufor Ranking

    Most people aren't going to sit and grind out ranks to get access to better gear, if ranks get implemented say goodbye to a decent amount of people
  8. Blufor Ranking

    Not a fan of ranking or whitelisting tbh
  9. Face Reveals

    pffffft, git gud bud
  10. During wartime if one side captures a point and bombs it the other side cannot capture if and being Blufor and Opfor they can sit with MLRS's way out in the desert without being spotted. I suggest that a rule be added to prevent bombing cap points.
  11. Anon is Rambo????

    Proof that the M4A1SD is the best gun Blufor has
  12. Anon is Rambo????

    JUDGE you should totes get on the server for a bit sometime
  13. Takistan Life Fails

    Remember kids it's actually possible to clear buildings without spamming HE.
  14. Triple Kill

    aleks that is entirely accurate
  15. Triple Kill

    Pretty messed up when Opfor does a better job at negotiating than Blufor
  16. Triple Kill

    lol we reelcted him and turns out Blufor isn't very good at negotiating, "lower taxes and change laws or die" 10/10
  17. Triple Kill

    BRDM ATGM most likely, I was taking the President to negotiate with Blufor when he killed us
  18. Triple Kill

    Still not as good as Creepy IceCream
  19. Weed

    Weed price shouldn't be lowered. Just make your own of buy it from a civ, I've made a whole Drug Cartel before selling heroin, weed, LSD, and cocaine to players and had a awesome hostage situation at my safehouse
  20. When the Soviets ditched Afghanistan the Mujihadeen had both US Stingers and Russian Iglas
  21. A simple guide to Opfor

  22. "Get a hind" you may have just made Opfors slogan
  23. GBU-12 Drop guide (Without laser)

    Nobody's going to do that much math for Arma, nice post though
  24. Airshow Server Event

    Buy me an L-39 and I'll do some neato stuff, or get a littlebird and I'll fly down main street in Rasman

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

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