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Posts posted by Drew

  1. 14 hours ago, SlimBone said:

    Im abit insulted youd give credit for indies to a player who was banned for metagaming and severe trolling. If thats being crafty then maybe someone else is the idiot. For the past week Ive played there has been much more teamwork on the indie side (last night being one of those noghts.).

    Most those who buy bikes buy them for two reasons. Budget or stealth. I dont k ow about you all but a bomb rigged bike is easier to hide then a bomb rigged car or truck. As for the Fal ive heard stories of a single mag taking out a stryker or something. You put a CZ550 in ConReese's hands and he'll being down most helicopters. 

    Everyone has a biase when it comes to the other factions one way or another. And I'll admit i was a salty rager at one point. But I adapted and learned to be patient but extra cheeki. 

    Tl;dr Ill be in your back yard peeing on your flowers. With my Akm/IED combo.

    Lol, I wasn’t aware one of them was banned. Haven’t been on in a few weeks. Stealth sounds like a good idea but fails if you are inetercepted by a vehicle with radar. A fall can do that, it’s got similar armour to a M113, so fal or akm will go through. Cz550? Maybe for a little bird and Huey, what about venom or Mi-8? Good choice, learn, adapt, overcome. Always be extra cheeki breeki.

    ps: if you’re going to piss on anything, piss on the lemon tree for me would you?


  2. 7 hours ago, ConReese Whurston said:

    firstly using smoke grenades and stun grenades will allow you to close the gap and go in for the taze, if there's a sniper then hes obviously a threat and you can terminate the threat as for the guy at the bank you can deal with it accordingly. Secondly as a police officer you generally shouldn't use a force above that of the individual you are in contact with like I said, if you've lost visual then you cant ascertain that its the same individual you first came into contact with and should deal with that appropriately.

    and finally Independents always work together when im on so you obviously have a skewed view of the faction and the people that play. Moreover you dont need armor to leave or deal with a safezone camp, if they have a 360 view of the place you need to focus fire on one contact and deal with it one at a time it requires teamwork and if you think blufor is entirely filled with bad players then you need to re evaluate yourself because I believe everyone has the potential to be a good player. the game aint hard just understand the mechanics of the game thats all there is to it. also the safezone is not only a 2D box you can very well take a heli to like 1500m above the safezone while still in the safezone then nose dive and fly away before they can figure out if you've left yet.

    Also maybe Opfor doesnt want to help you because of an attitude towards your friends like that

    Lol your an idiot, i am one of the main players of Opfor, I have had friends play as blufor and as soon as they start, they immediately hate it,to hold everyone in good standards and only setting yourself up for disappointment. Smoke won’t work if targets always on the move, you are NOT police, you are a military force (NATO) an actual army. So shooting a enemy combatant is fine, regardless of faction. You do need armour to deal with a safe zone camp, you can have snipers all around, kind of hard to to find an enemy that is somewhere in a 2+km radius, they’re are many hiding spots, so using a Stryker M2 with thermal isn’t a bad idea. Indies being organised? You mean only trying to use bikes and fals? I will have credit to indies like best mike and frosty for being crafty with what they do but majority are just random players who join to DM then rage quit when they get killed by Opfor.

    Opfor don’t help due to the trolls like Shark, to a add a personal note, I don’t/didn’t help Blufor because they won’t listen to instructions. Ie leaving an area because I am about to provide long range fire. On top of it, they act like cocky little cunts that get fucked even by indies and yet they brag.

    • Thanks 1

  3. 2 hours ago, ConReese Whurston said:

    Your first statement is an over generalization of the entire TLX community and for that you should be ashamed of yourself.

    also unless you have a valid reason for wanting a plane or helicopter to land like a terror threat or a war or something then its just a dick move to give a rapid warning then lighting up a flying vehicle (whether against the rules or not its still a dick move).

    Yeah, you're a cop unless they shot at you or another civlians life is in direct danger why would you not use a taser? if you value human life so little that you'd rather shoot an armed suspect than try and de escalate and create a rich RP scenario then you should not be playing Blufor.


    I dont even know how to refute this statement its not even english. and if they kill 6 cops infront of you then yeah you can kill them but if they're wanted for a cop(s) murder it doesnt give you the right to light them up. sure you can take precautionary measures like calling for backup and keeping your distance but you almost never have the right to KOS any civilian unless you yourself have witnessed an act of violence by that player towards another.


    if there are few blufor on consider working together to stop the bank robberies. its not hard. be creative. as for indeps shooting into donator i mean you cant take damage while in donator sooo your statement is false there. and camping blufor base? seriously? you have 360 degrees of freedom around the base from which you can leave the area safely and covertly. if theres an armor threat call martial law or even better theres a special thing called joint ops where the south can help you out.

    #1 Blufor might be police but they are a military force, this is a 3rd world country, not a 1st world country. The taser have a max range of 100m with M1014, no chance of getting close especially if their is a sniper watching you.

    #2 seriously? How stupid can you get? They have KOSed a couple of cops, have a warrant on their head for the murder and will shoot on-sight, of course you can & should, their is no RP with someone who just wants to death match.

    #3 Blufor’s lack of communication is a big hinderance here, expecting them to work together is like telling the indies to work together. You can’t taj damage in donator, but vehicles can, I have seen multiple account of it happening. The “freedom” you speak of is a No-Mans land, as soon as you are out of safe zone, you can be targeted by everything from a BRDM-2 ATGM to a ZU-23 to a sniper, it’s not free, it’s a kill zone. Martial law and armour won’t do much good because as soon as they are out, everything will focus on the armour, prioritising targets. As for joint Ops, I think most of Opfor command refuse to help blufor due to their idiocy and the dick behaviour exhibited by some of the members.


    • Like 1

  4. 2 hours ago, Simeon Baghdadi said:

    You didn't read the my post, I only bitch about the expensiveness of Indep shitty equipment, I didn't want to change Opfor in anyway, ain't no African-American rich enough for an IGLA Pod. 

    Flying extremely high counters any attempt of hiding from the radar.



    And leaves the pilot completely exposed to AA fire

    • Thanks 1

  5. 8 hours ago, Smidge Griffkin said:

    Unless its me dumping my hot load on you....
    To be honest, I don't understand why people think the Hind is some godlike piece of equipment.... as you can see below, they will drop just as easy as any other aircraft if you hit it in the right spot or if you can take the crew out. People just need to get good.


    Should we try you vs me, Smidge?

  6. 32 minutes ago, Fr. Rodriguez said:



    Why comment on this? Yous' are going to make this an active thread and people will believe the white-listing is happening now.

    Thought it was an active thread lol, until I checked the dates of the posts and noticed sheev was on, have you heard any news from Gio saying it’s not?

  7. 1 minute ago, Unknown said:

    Blacklists will always be up to staff to issue and if a command member suggests it, we will take it into consideration.

    Shouldn’t be up to staff to decided, command should decided, all admins should have access to is apply the tag, but not make the decision to blacklist unless its something like mass rdm ect.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Unknown said:

    Negative. I’m not going to issues strikes and blacklisting to a new player that honestly doesn’t know. You can attempt too, but if it doesn’t work it’ll have to wait until whitelisting is implemented

    Disagree with you there, done this type of thing before. You don’t just up and give a new player a blacklist ffs, you do that to those who break rules constantly, for those that are new, you show them how it works, who is in command ect. Get them used to that and let them understand how it all works and it should work out fine, I don’t think blacklists should be up to staff but high ranking members of each faction (Major, Captain, LT).

    • Like 2

  9. 5 minutes ago, Unknown said:

    Do you realize I use to own this server? I know exactly how it is and use to use it. Never liked it.

    I don’t care if you owned the server, seems like your clueless as the rest of the player who don’t know how to play.

  10. 1 minute ago, Giovanni said:

    That's what a human gunner is for. As I've stated multiple times already, AI provide an advantage in that they can instantly spot, target, and kill enemies. Players vs players provides a more fair combat environment.

    If there's not enough people on to get a gunner in your helicopter, then you don't need that helicopter and you'd be better off on the ground.

    It's ridiculous when the entirety of OPFOR takes out helicopters with AI to go hunt down terrorists while having no boots on the ground to patrol territory or man border checkpoints.

    It requires a gunner, not specifically an AI gunner. A human gunner would do fine.

    The suggestion is also to remove AI from every faction, not from one faction specifically. If you really believe that AI don't provide any advantages over others, then you would be fine with them being removed.

    That's another reason why we shouldn't have AI available, regardless of whether you "bitch about it" or not.

    Completely irrelevant, this has nothing to do with AI providing significant advantages over other human players.

    Maybe you haven't noticed that there is also a group of people that disagree with you?

    #1 no gio it doesn’t provide a “fair combat environment” each persons experience is different in regards of spec of pc ect, that type of thing makes are breaks, if you run this game on a crap PC. You cannot do shit.

    #2 arm troops better then, because a RPG-7 with VR is a challenge to take out a tusk with a thermal gunner.

    #3 we usually have boots on the ground, problem is, they get snipped at CP with not know where the hostile is. We use heli’s to scan and flush  them out.

    #4 sure but people are idiots, most of the players on here I bet have jumped straight into multiplayer, not know how to do sweet fuck all, ai are more capable than a fresh player who has just downloaded the game.

    #5 Ai do provide an advantage, only over human payers though, people are sometimes clueless when it comes to threats or lack the ability to deal with them, but ai can detect enemies a good km away, and provide decent return fire on hostile player.

    #6 your response ist even valid for that gio, you have no clue what you are on about, most of the people bitching are the ones who don’t know how to use them.

    #7 completely relevant, most of the players jump straight into multiplayer, not know wtf they are doing, being completely useless from the word go, they need to do the Arma tutorial before they log in honestly.

    #8 because they are the ones who don’t know how and won’t use them, they are the useless players who jumped straight into multiplayer and didn’t even bother to learn the basics.


  11. 44 minutes ago, Unknown said:

    Be respectful when replying.. I have read what everyone said, I STILL don't see how it would make ANY faction UNPLAYABLE. They have been over powered since day 1, we want it to be player on player and not AI vs Player. Back in the day we functioned PERFECTLY without it. If i recall honestly, the main person who used them was @Roque when he would drop them in rasman...lol

    I will give you a reason. Whoever the developer of this current file we are using is/was crap, it interferes with some of the Arma 2 Systems. Makes it impossible to use direct lock on via manual fire, half of the time it doesn’t work (manual fire) Opfor need them to man their tanks, jets, aa, arty ect for war, indies need them for their tanks and vehicles as well, not to mention their igla pods and other AA defences, they can’t use them effectively plus you only have 7/8 indie slots, one of them is an experimental slot for admins only, if they are removed, we might as well remove war and turn it to border skirmishes, because their is never enough player slots for large scale battles which can be declared as a “war”. So unless you manage to clean this broken ass file up a bit and not be so damn buggy, they should stay. IMO Unknow, you need to be on more often, I have hardly seen you on within the 3/4 months I have been here, I think you need to use them and get some first hand experience on how critical they are to some of the factions. Ie indie and Opfor

  12. 6 hours ago, Unknown said:

    I don't see how removing it will make any faction unplayable. Back in the ole TLX days they were rarely used on Opfor and nothing has changed since then. An official decision will come later today.

    Are you fucking serious? Have you not been listening to what we have been saying, they are frequently used, only reason most other factions don’t use them is because they don’t know how to.

  13. 21 minutes ago, Unknown said:

    I’ve played indie multiple times, it really isn’t that hard if you take a different route and go through the valley to the north. Anyway, they will be implemented when I get them from comrade

    I’m not concerned with them going north, when I refer to them being not able afford a decent fight, I mean against Opfor. Indies are a better fight than blufor, we are better off going to war with indies than Blufor, they can be a challenge sometimes. So I think an economy fix would allow us to have an even better challenge from indies.

  14. 3 hours ago, staan said:
    [Player name] : lil peep
    [Date issue occured] : 4-26-2018 a little before midnight
    [Issue] : hacking, using a script that shot people into the air
    ts hack would enter channel blasting loud noises and could not stay muted
    [Evidence] : ethan. games
    and server logs

    Willing to act as witness, short period before Lil Peep logged off, he made my hind rag doll mid-flight. Looks like increased acceleration.

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

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