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Posts posted by Smitty

  1. 5 hours ago, Sheev Palpatine said:

    On the old TLX there used to be FOBs you could spawn at that had less weapons and shit available but were in a way nicer spot. 

    I think this could work for indeps. Something up in the north, where all they've got are FALs, AKMs, enfields, RPGs, grenades, maybe the cz 550, and motorcycles and UAZs. That way they can have their convenient area but if they want to pack heavy shit they have to risk opfor down south.


    4 hours ago, Maverick said:

    This was also a feature on RISE and was very appreciated by the community. I suggest that the current Terror Hideout should be converted into a FOB for indies.

    Would love to see this again, but the gear should be super basic, like a few rifles, bikes and maybe a pickup.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Giovanni said:

    Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is that many players have bottomless bank accounts and would love to waste all that money on helicopters to constantly kamikaze into other people.

    You're right.

    Maybe we could make it so that you would have to have a good roleplay reason and could only do it once a day or have to clear it with a staff member?

    • Like 1

  3. 4 minutes ago, krieger said:

    the independents are designed for the purpose of terrorism where being a civilian is not

    This is why there is a game mechanic that allows civilians to declare themselves terrorists.


    5 minutes ago, krieger said:

    not to mention that their are a whole set of rules governing both sides behavior

    Rule 6.1 states that "Independents are permitted to kill BLUFOR, OPFOR, and PMC on sight."

    Rule 7.3.3 states that "Terrorists [civillians that have declared terror] are permitted to kill BLUFOR, OPFOR and PMC on sight."


    11 minutes ago, krieger said:

    and lastly they have the independent slots for a reason if they had no intention of having actual terrorists they wouldn't have those slots cause other wise it would just be people rdming each other all the time,

    This is confusing to read lmao.

  4. 1 minute ago, Creepy Iceceam said:

    If we're gonna base most of the server ideas off real life, and civs getting killed in terrorist attacks are mainly the point of it.. Terrorist site fear into civs to control em, even tho the server rules say "be nice to unarmed civs".. But with everything being said, Kamikaze should be allowed due to the fact indies can't really rearm at their iglas at VIP north or south. We should be allowed to crash our plane/heli into other helis/planes. As I play indie more than other factions, I do just believe indies should be the only faction that can kami. Civ terrorist shouldn't really be allowed unless forced my a indie.

    Excellently said, if the server is based off realism/roleplay then kamikazing should be allowed, seeing as the Independents are Islamic extremists that would die for their cause.

    • Like 1

  5. 1 hour ago, krieger said:

    if any of you had read any further than the title you would understand what the post is about.

    Now i would appreciate it if you read the more than the title before putting in your comments.

    I thoroughly read your post before replying, that was unnecessary and pretty condescending.


    1 hour ago, krieger said:

    it is a under-equipped insurgency compared to the opfor.

    Yup, that is how it is supposed to be.


    1 hour ago, krieger said:

    in reality insurgents are not simply armed and they do not rely on suprie attacks

    Compared to conventional militaries they are simply armed and thus utilize guerrilla tactics AKA surprise attacks.  Real life examples include but are not limited to: Gauls in their resistance against the Roman Empire, United States in the American Revolution, Resistance movements in WWII, the Viet Cong in the Vietnam War, Taliban and other Mujahid groups in the Middle East.

    • Like 3

  6. Listen, I pretty much only play as independent and this is ridiculous.  Opfor does not need a "de-arming".  Maybe you need to change your attitude and stop focusing on getting past the Opfor and start focusing on killing them.  When I play as independent, I want a challenge and at the end of the day we are an just an insurgency.  Insurgencys fight warfare involving surprise attacks by small, simply armed groups on a nation armed with modern high-tech weaponry. War is never fair and we are not supposed to have it easy.  The fun is in the challenge.

    • Like 1

  7. 3 minutes ago, Kane said:

    Alright time to put in my 2 cents. Put it this way....The only objective the indepts have is to kill or be killed, they never roleplay, they dont interact with civs, anything with a gun is shot dead, So let me ask the indeps this. Why should i give up my airpower to let you cross into a territory where all you do is sit on top of buildings and kill as many cops as you can, You never actually go to civs and act like extermists your just players that exterminate, Therefore you should be exterminated with extreme measures as OPFOR is the only faction that has a chance agaisnt you, Blufor can only go into martial law for 20mins without an admin screaming the police chiefs ear off to get the fuck off martial law. This is why OPFOR is pulling out attack helicopters and tanks, its to keep your faction at bay, to let the blufor RP and breath for awhile. So give me a good reason why i should land my choppers and put away my armor other than “Its a game”

    Big facts, and I pretty much only play as indep.

  8. 43 minutes ago, I3o0M said:

    How was the server name before xtreme?

    It was "DNICE Takistan Life Xtreme", the name hasn't changed.  You can see "TLX" in the top right of this screenshot from May 2015.


    EDIT:  It's scary how bad my graphics were back then lmao


  9. Hey there, I just want to say thanks and show my appreciation to Giovanni and Comrade Potato and all the other higher ups for bringing this community back from the dead.  I know you fellas are putting in the hours developing new things for our server and I appreciate it.  I have been part of this community since DNICE was the owner and we have been through many ups and downs but I am proud to say that under the current directors and developers this server is better than it has ever been!


    Thanks for reading! ;)

    • Like 1

  10. lmafo the other day I was playing as an indep and the border was closed


    guess what I did........... I got out of my truck and ran to Rasman! *gasp*   yup its true people, you can run places in this game!


  11. 10 hours ago, canadianbacon22 said:

    - Disable Bank Robbing when war is declared: Seriously, everything is a shit storm. It's not like BLUFOR even has a chance to take on the bank robber. 

    -1  Nothing wrong with taking advantage of the situation.


    10 hours ago, canadianbacon22 said:

    - Encourage more ground fighting by reducing the price of lower-end land vehicles such as Humvee's, MTVRs, etc.: In war, everyone jumps for a jet or attack helicopter then everything goes South because air superiority and BLUFOR doesn't have Shoulder Launched AA. Fighting can go on forever if ground vehicles were more common, and aircraft less so.

    - Make high powered weapons less accessible: Snipers are fucking annoying. They're deadly, and there is too many of them to be successfully dealt with. BLUFOR/OPFOR should be able to get high powered weaponry a little bit easier than Civs/Indeps. They should be a uncommon occassion; not always over Rasman.

     Big +1 from me, would love to see both of these.


    10 hours ago, canadianbacon22 said:

    - Encourage more legal activity: Seriously - up the return investment for doing resources or other things. This will get people moving around, adding more possibility for role-play.

    - Get more traffic going between North & South: Make a second Gun-Shop in the South, put certain resources in the South, sell certain high value things in the South, etc. Get people moving, it gives OPFOR something to do, it gives Indeps something to do. etc.


    +1  Yes yes yes this is big facts and we have been saying it forever!


    10 hours ago, canadianbacon22 said:

    - Remove Checkpoint Rasman: Alright, this one is going to turn some heads. Rasman is such a shit show nowadays that all server activity goes there. There is very little civilian presence in Rasman; you will have the odd person selling Resources, going to buy Licenses, or going to buy a heli. That's it. Everyone else is there to cause trouble and it takes so much resources from BLUFOR that nothing else can get done. Get rid of CP Rasman and Cops might be able to go more places, and maybe we can have some more role-play.

    Interesting... very interesting - first time I have heard anything like this.  I like the way it sounds and look forward to hearing people's thoughts on this matter.  +1



    Good thoughts coming out of Señor Bacon's head.  Me like.

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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