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Mr. EyeBrows

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Posts posted by Mr. EyeBrows

  1. if fortnightly stat resets become a thing then it may cause a lack of people on the server because i know some people come on to relax and have fun after a long day not come on and have to make a foot hold for them selves. Elijah has a point in have once a month resets but anything more then would need a rework in the cost of weapons and vics.

    • Like 2

  2. 32 minutes ago, SlimBone said:

    Sorry yes you're correct they are martial law vics. None the less they are still less likely to use air assests compaired to Opfor whos got a whole group made for refining opfors airforce.

    Turning that big stick they've been swinging into more of an axe. They still leave a mess behind (An almost completely leveled south).

    You do know that opfor is a corrupt government we might have the same rules as blufor but are not confined to use them in the way they are put there. 

    This is why opfor have access to certain vics like a t-72 or a jet 

    To my understanding opfor are more likely to always be in martial law as indy have taken over a part of their land 

  3. you should make all building indestructable because if people are just going to destroy the building to get a kill then why not remove all building on the map and make it a free for all as it seems thats were it will go at this rate. 

    Another thought would to make use of the southern bank like if there is only 3 blufor on but 10 opfor the southern bank should be the only one being robbed. It is a very easy if statement to make 

  4. You can't age gap a faction because if so the players will just leave and the numbers will die down. 

    I know that they are young but you have to understand a young person does what they want you should know you were one of them.

    If you have a problem with them continuously shouting then tell them to stop or get a mod involved.

    As the mod is there to help player co-exist.

    I wouldn't like an age limit as i like a 60 player server on the weekend and 30 during the week.

  5. I would like to join the MAFR as i like what you's do for opfor but i like that you do it in different ways. I know a hind is expensive but the MAFR is not all about helis it is about all of MAFR plane helis troops and normal vehicles. I would like to serve the great Vladimir Putin in the war againist blufor as we are a fair but just nation

    • In-game Name
      Mr. EyeBrows
    • Steam Profile Link
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    • Country you live in
    • Time zone you live in
    • Date of Birth
    • How long have you been a TLX player?
      I have player for 130+ hours so I would think the early part of this year but I don't know for certain.
    • Do you meet the minimum requirements set above?
    • Have you previously been banned from the server?
    • Have you previously been a staff member here?
    • Describe yourself
      I like to play games like arma 2. It give me a way to express myself and become loose with the term reality. I like playing games that can make me feel welcomed and safe like this server
    • Why should you be a staff member?
      I would like to become apart of staff so I can give the little guy a voice the people who don't like to come to staff as they can feel like they are going to be bias. I feel like staff will not change how I look on others or how I play the game as a player. I will be not inclined to use my staff related powers to my own gain or to the gain of my friends. This is only an experience to me and I would like to have the responsiblity to keep the server as equal as possible as some players may think the faction they are in may let them do what ever they want if they know the right people. I hope to be consider.
    • What qualifications or experience do you have to offer? (if any)
      I have been an admin and mod on varies dayz and taki servers this experience from them have allowed me to approve improve how I can become a better and equal staff member
    • Like 1

  6. +1 can a timer be set on the barriers like after 10 minutes the barriers auto reset and open the checkpoint because i find it as fail rp if the checkpoint is blocked for a reason of that we just can like if an opfor or blufor said we have violent threats incoming and are trying to slow the approach of the threat. And not just saying " Border Closed"

  7. an idea would be to move terror hideout to a more reasonable location civs dont declare terror because of the 12k journey they would have to make maybe seeing the base near gas station 2 or out past gas station 5 out the west side would make civs want to go there and get weapons 

  8. -1 an idea would be to give indy more ways to leave and have a no fly zone for about 2k to give them a fighting chance as i have seen opfor camp indy base with a  heli to where indy have no man weapons to disable or destroy such vehicles

  9. I feel like this rules needs a time limit as some civs can think that it is there for them to shoot cops as they please.

    Quote from civ "And there's no time frame restriction LOL".

    I was told that a cop brought this to an admin where the admin said if the civ was still in rasman and didn't leave to go to a safe zone to get a weapon then it was fair game.

    But I think if a civ can do that for no reason then what is the point of declaring terror if any civ can go into rasman get shot at by a cop and then go on a rampage to kill that cop and probably cops or civs that get in  the way.

    This rule needs to get looked at as people are taking advantage of it.

    • Haha 1

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