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Showing most liked content on 06/09/18 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    CONVOY So since the ARMA 2 TLX Server nothing happens much instead of:VDMs,RDMs people asking for comp etc...I'm suggesting that from time to time OPFOR or BLUFOR could make Convoys.There would be 2 types of Convoys,the standart convoy and the High Value Convoy. Basic Convoy 2 or 3 KAMAZ or MTVR(utility,repair) 2 Armed UAZ or humvee The basic Convoy would be transporting low-medium tier LOOT such as:pistols,submachine guns,medium-low price ores,ammunition or supplies too.The KAMAZ or MTVR would be in the middle between the armed UAZs,there would also be a 10 metre space between each vehicle. Now,the High Value Convoy would transport would be transporting on its gear powerfull and dangerous thing such as explosive devices,RPGs,assault rifles,sniper rifles or high value ores for example:diamonds or platinum.So since it`s transporting high value items inside it`s gear or TRUNK it should be very well protected. High Value Convoy 2,3 or 4 KAMAZ or MTVR(Utility,repair,ammunition) 3 or 2 armed UAZs or humvees. 1 Armored vehicle. So,these convoys would be like a event that can be lead by a group of players but of course in order to actually form a convoy "event" the group would have to ask for a staff member that is currently ONLINE at that moment for permission to do it,and if the people making the convoy wish to make it go through BLUFOR or OPFOR territory they would obviously have to ask the faction that controls that territory. The way it would work is that the faction doing the convoy would announce in GLOBAL CHAT for all the players that are currently in the server when they start moving,the convoy would have a path set by the faction,the path would be marked by putting black dots on the map,On the way,armed civilians or insurgents could set an ambush to eliminate the drivers and the escord and if they suceed by doing that,they may take the loot located inside the gear or trunk on the KAMAZ(which in case of the BLUFOR the MTVR) A couple hours ago (when this post was posted)me and some people playing as OPFOR did a convoy with admin authorization,it had 2 KAMAZ [Ammunition and Repair] filled with weapons and explosive devices,and it was being escorted by a BMP-2.Some time later when we passed through Checkpoint Delta and went into BLUFOR territory (also with authorization) We got ambushed after a couple minutes by some insurgents with a CDK tag on their names,they started firing explosive ordinances at our direction missing the trucks and barely damaging the BMP-2 we then went to go hunt for them leaving both trucks to be guarded by the BMP-2.Some time later we noticed that both trucks were on fire but the BMP-2 was perfectly FINE as if the insurgents shot at the trucks on purpouse just to destroy the loot (there was like 3 million worth of loot inside those trucks),we later found them and neutralised them but the convoy was totally ruined.So there are some bad things about making these convoys. Also the Trucks should always be unlocked and the ones who plan to intercept the convoy. Also if you like it remember to leave a like!
  2. 2 points
    Sons of Shariah // Image of Logo coming soon // Backstory: Born of the remaining Islamic Extremists of the Islamic Emirate of Takistan or the IET and allied splinter groups forming from local criminals to turncoats and even PMC's. What once was a small group of fighters now have grown to be a sizable movement. Out of the damage cause by the occupation of the Nato-American Djinn's and the tyrannical Russian infidels along with the frustration of the locals and no longer going to stand idle. Current Operation: Having now become more that just an Indie faction bringing in opportunity for those who like to play the Civ Terrorist or would like to aid the efforts to retake Takistan and return it to its former glory. If you have something to offer to the Sons of Shariah then we have a place for you within our Brotherhood. Otherwise or goals from the former Islamic Emirate of Takistan still remain and thats to provide something more than your stereotype lone wolf suicide runs to the north and encourage an honest and fair enviornment. Members, Current [TLX] SlimBone- Founder [TLX] Isaac- Founder [TLX] Smidge Griffkin- Mujahideen, Combat Leader Gregory Porter- Mujahideen MustfaL!kaweewee- Mujahideen Mohomamd Von Bjon- Mujahideen Members, Honorary SilkoFoxx- Ambassador & Favored Customer Thotkitti- Allied Rebel Convert
  3. 2 points
    Have you wanted to have a better RP experience In Takistan Life? Here is some advice to creating a less toxic time when interacting with other players. Don't be toxic, don't be that guy finding loop holes In rules or spawn camping, nothing makes people more aggravated than a person with an RPG at Indi spawn. Try not to abuse armor or border-line marshal law/wartime vehicles like strykers or bmps. Avoid pulling out heavy weapons unless someone is a big problem, for example try to only use hinds or bmps when Indi's pull out a t-34 or camp cpa in buildings. Try to use them as plan C. Try to communicate effectively with others, for example when at CPA try to get through as an indi acting like a civi and watch the memes that pursue. Be a nice and helpful person, no explanation needed. If you enjoyed these tips drop a thumbs up and a comment on how you could improve hostilities in Takistan.
  4. 1 point
    VIP's don't make the money they used to and if they paid the 100 dollars back in the day they have all rights to keep it and get their good gear. The thermal weapons aren't any better than the normal ones, especially the M249 TWS. Some of them are "toxic" but that's the way they've always been dude, they're pretty neat guyz to hang around and play with like Roque who I have never heard talk even though he has a mic.
  5. 1 point
    If you lower the prices for Indi aa and rifles it would improve a lot of things.
  6. 1 point
    You're the type of person to sit miles away with this rifle trying to kill an Indep instead of grabbing a M16 and getting close enough to shoot someone. In fact I can bet that all you do is sit on sniper hill or the mountain or rigs north of Rasman all day and don't interact with anyone, people like you really kill the RP and give Blufor its terrible reputation
  7. 1 point
    Or maybe you could learn how to snipe and not need mods to hit ridiculously long distances and cause more shit on the server. Why did you even PM me this suggestion?
  8. 1 point
    Lmao, you can actually use the suicide bomb in indep spawn to join the indep space program... But you didn't hear that from me...
  9. 1 point
    Checkpoint Alpha is the most important checkpoint in the game and you can buy the camo nets and other items from shops but most people are too lazy to stupid to use them. To deal with snipers just buy thr camo net or get someone to scan the mountains by CPA. This checkpoint never had any problems before but all of a sudden it's the worst thing to exist?
  10. 1 point
    That's if people scroll down enough to even see the Souther civs
  11. 1 point
    Yeah no problem ill just run everywhere wasting game time all while getting shot at by a hind or other opfor air vics.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    im still not on the roster as 'teargas man'
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Allahu'akbar brothers.
  16. -1 points
    Many players have been whining about the various problems that are yet to be fixed in Arma 2 Takistan Life. So i listed several problems that need fixed to improve combat, roleplay and community toxicity. First we have the heavy vehicle or armored vehicle problem, I cant count on my hand how many times I've spotted or been killed by as an Independent player by a Stryker with a grenade launcher or a Bluefor with a Dmr or a sniper. The point is that the prices on many of the Bluefor and Opfor vehicle prices need some serious tweaking. Also regarding Opfor, when purchasing heavily armoured vehicles, apc's or tanks it seems that there needs to be some more restrictions for when your are able to use them. I can understand that because they are closer to the Indi spawn and are Slavs but the Indis dont even have a chance. Independent players are forced to spam Ai players ,ATGMs, tanks and other derp guns just to have a fighting chance to get out of the south or make money but on the other hand they are exploited. Crazy weapons like the AA-12 need to be fixed or removed, they are just as powerful as a 30mm cannon and can shoot down a hind with one round. If you agree or support what I've stated, thumbs up this post and drop a comment down below. If your Interested heres my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyjqXUPc_ULwh-sTY2F00-g TheStrategists or [TSTS]
  17. -4 points
    you look like a good sniper
  18. -7 points
    TLX should add a script to allow the as50 to shoot longer ranges more accurately. If the range would extend to 2300m then the gun would be strong and I would really like that. I enjoy the as50 all I do is snipe. This will make finding me more interesting.
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What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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