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Showing most liked content on 05/12/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Lol your an idiot, i am one of the main players of Opfor, I have had friends play as blufor and as soon as they start, they immediately hate it,to hold everyone in good standards and only setting yourself up for disappointment. Smoke won’t work if targets always on the move, you are NOT police, you are a military force (NATO) an actual army. So shooting a enemy combatant is fine, regardless of faction. You do need armour to deal with a safe zone camp, you can have snipers all around, kind of hard to to find an enemy that is somewhere in a 2+km radius, they’re are many hiding spots, so using a Stryker M2 with thermal isn’t a bad idea. Indies being organised? You mean only trying to use bikes and fals? I will have credit to indies like best mike and frosty for being crafty with what they do but majority are just random players who join to DM then rage quit when they get killed by Opfor. Opfor don’t help due to the trolls like Shark, to a add a personal note, I don’t/didn’t help Blufor because they won’t listen to instructions. Ie leaving an area because I am about to provide long range fire. On top of it, they act like cocky little cunts that get fucked even by indies and yet they brag.
  2. 1 point
    No one is going to download this mod, and no one will install it. It would just kill the pop even further. This has never been a proper RP server.
  3. 1 point
    #1 Blufor might be police but they are a military force, this is a 3rd world country, not a 1st world country. The taser have a max range of 100m with M1014, no chance of getting close especially if their is a sniper watching you. #2 seriously? How stupid can you get? They have KOSed a couple of cops, have a warrant on their head for the murder and will shoot on-sight, of course you can & should, their is no RP with someone who just wants to death match. #3 Blufor’s lack of communication is a big hinderance here, expecting them to work together is like telling the indies to work together. You can’t taj damage in donator, but vehicles can, I have seen multiple account of it happening. The “freedom” you speak of is a No-Mans land, as soon as you are out of safe zone, you can be targeted by everything from a BRDM-2 ATGM to a ZU-23 to a sniper, it’s not free, it’s a kill zone. Martial law and armour won’t do much good because as soon as they are out, everything will focus on the armour, prioritising targets. As for joint Ops, I think most of Opfor command refuse to help blufor due to their idiocy and the dick behaviour exhibited by some of the members.
  4. 1 point
  5. -1 points
    firstly using smoke grenades and stun grenades will allow you to close the gap and go in for the taze, if there's a sniper then hes obviously a threat and you can terminate the threat as for the guy at the bank you can deal with it accordingly. Secondly as a police officer you generally shouldn't use a force above that of the individual you are in contact with like I said, if you've lost visual then you cant ascertain that its the same individual you first came into contact with and should deal with that appropriately. and finally Independents always work together when im on so you obviously have a skewed view of the faction and the people that play. Moreover you dont need armor to leave or deal with a safezone camp, if they have a 360 view of the place you need to focus fire on one contact and deal with it one at a time it requires teamwork and if you think blufor is entirely filled with bad players then you need to re evaluate yourself because I believe everyone has the potential to be a good player. the game aint hard just understand the mechanics of the game thats all there is to it. also the safezone is not only a 2D box you can very well take a heli to like 1500m above the safezone while still in the safezone then nose dive and fly away before they can figure out if you've left yet. Also maybe Opfor doesnt want to help you because of an attitude towards your friends like that
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